大宗进口贸易,cif/cfr划归通知或付运宣告(notice of appropriation)条款解读 -pg电子试玩网站免费
基于此,cif或cfr大宗商品买卖合约中,买卖双方之间需要一份文件能尽早明确采购的标的物,这份文件就是“划归通知或付运宣告(notice of appropriation)”。
2.1 划归通知相关条款及法律含义
cif或cfr大宗商品进口贸易中, 买卖合约要求卖方作出“划归通知或付运宣告(notice of appropriation)”,此类条款如:five working days after the depature from the loading port, the master of vessel shall notify the seller and the buyer or its authorized agent at the discharging port that a) name and quantity of products shipped; b)number of bill of lading and its date; c) flag of ship;d) estimated date of arrival at the discharging port.
还有类似功能的卖方向买方发出的独立文件,如装运通知(notice of shippment),内容也包括提单、商品名称与数量、转运港和卸货港口等信息。
卖方向买方发出划归通知或付运宣告(notice of appropriation)或装运通知后,船上的大宗商品即从种类物变成了特定物,产生了贸易商所称的“锁货”(locking the goods into the contract)的效果。
正如《benjamin’s sale of goods》(8thedn, 2010年)之19-015段所说:“where the contract is for the sale of unascertained goods, the seller is bound to appropriate goods of the contract description to the contract. ‘appropriation’ is used in several senses. here we are not concerned with the ‘proprietary’ sense of the word (i.e. with the ‘unconditional appropriation’ which is required to pass the property in goods), but with its ‘contractual’ sense, i.e. with the appropriation by which a seller of unascertained goods binds himself contractually to deliver particular goods (or goods from a specified source), or the documents representing them.”
2.2 划归通知的必要性
1)买方角度看,一方面,其有权及时知晓所采购货物的相关信息;另一方面,如果买方自己不是这票付运货物的最后收货人,而是准备转售,他就必须尽早知道有关的货物付运后是装在哪一艘船舶上,才能去把这一票“浮动货物”(floating cargo)转售或向已经订立买卖合约的分买方作出划归通知。
3.1 依据“谷物及饲料贸易协会gafta(谷物及饲料贸易协会)”,也即gafta100第14条提供合约范本规定了划归通知的内容以及必须作出的最后期限,具体:
“(a) notice of appropriation shall state the vessel’s name, the approximate weight shipped, and the date or the presumed date of the bill of lading.
(b) the notice of appropriation shall within (i) ten (10) consecutive days if shipped from the us gulf and/or us, and/or canadian atlantic/lake ports, (ii) 14 consecutive days if shipped from other port, from the date of bill of lading be served by or on behalf of the shipper direct on his buyers or on the selling agent or brokers named in the contract…”
3.2 依据国际油、油籽和油脂协会(fosfa)提供的合同范本,也即,fosfa 24(针对美国/加拿大大豆的cif买卖),其中第11条名为付运宣告的条文是如下:
notice stating ship’s name, date of bill of lading and approximate quantity shipped shall be despatched by first sellers to their buyers not later than 7 days after the date of the bill of lading.notices by intermediate sellers(中间商) shall be accepted by their buyers although received by them after such time, if from the 7th day after the date of bill of lading such notice shall been passed on with due despatch。(第一卖方应在提单日期后 7 天内将载明船名、提单日期和大致装运数量的通知发送给买方。如果从提单日期后第 7 天起划归通知被及时发出,则中间卖方的通知应被其买方接受,即使买方在该时间之后收到通知。)
the date of the ‘on board’ bill of lading shall be considered proof of the date of shipment in the absence of conclusive evidence to the contrary. notice shall be deemed to be under reserve for errors and/or delays in transmission. any slight variation in the ship’s name shall not invalidate the declaration.
a valid declaration cannot be withdrawn except with the buyer’s consent.
should the ship arrive before receipt of declaration of shipment and extra expenses be incurred, such expenses are to be paid by sellers.
the provision of this clause to be inoperative if the goods have been sold afloat.
presentation of documents does not constitute a notice under the terms of this clause.”
需要提醒注意的是,买卖合约应清楚约定,划归通知一旦发出,未经买方同意不得撤销。如:a valid notice cannot be withdrawn except with the buyer’s consent.
注意本句话说的是“valid notice",也即是,如是“有效的通知”不可撤销,无效的划归通知,则可能例外。也即是说,如果是第一份划归通知是无效的,卖方有权另外发一份通知。