incoterms 2020规则于2020年1月1日全球正式生效,新旧通则有那些变化对比解析? -pg电子试玩网站免费
在此之前,网上和各自媒体的关于incoterms 2020 主要谣言如下:
exworks (exw),free alongside ship (fas)和delivery duty paid (ddp) 会被取消,例如:it seems that the committee is going to eliminate exw, fas, and ddp. right now, the exw and ddp incoterm are considered more applicable to domestic industries because they currently do not align with the european union’s new customs code. the justification for eliminating fas is that it is seldom used and there already exists the fca incoterm which suffices.
free carrier将变成两个术语,分别适用于水运和陆地运输,例如the fca incoterm is considered one of the most versatile right now. 4 out of 10 international trade operations are only able to be carried out successfully as a result of this. one of the most significant advantages it has to offer is the flexibility concerning delivery location. the delivery location can be a warehouse, an airport, the seller’s address, or something else. additionally, this can be applied to any mode of transportation which is why it is ideal for multimodal transport.
delivery duty paid (ddp)会被拆分成两个术语,例如ddp is going to pave the way for dtp and dpp. we already mentioned that ddp is going to disappear because it is inconsistent with payments of customs expenses but rather than eliminated 100% the committee is going to create two different incoterms: dpp and dtp.
增加一个c组术语,cni,例如this is the newest member of the family. this is otherwise referred to as cost and insurance. right now, this is meant to fill a gap that will exist when the fca mentioned above is divided. as with all of the others, this will be an arrival incoterm, which means any risks and responsibilities are transferred from the seller to the buyer at the port of departure. however, this change will allow for exporters to bear the burden of cargo insurance so that the buyer takes charge of nothing more than the risk of transportation.
根据国际商会international chamber of commerce的官方链接,incoterms 2020相比2010,部分变化如下
1 incoterms® 2020 provides for demonstrated market need in relation to bills of lading (bl) with an on-board notation and the free carrier (fca) incoterms® rule. incoterms®2020规定了与提单有关的已证明的市场需求,fca货交承运人术语下添加已装船批注。
2 incoterms® 2020 aligns different levels of insurance coverage in cost insurance and freight (cif) and carriage and insurance paid to (cip) incoterms®2020调整了cif成本加保险费加运费以及cip运费和保险费付至的不同保险范围。
3 incoterms® 2020 includes arrangements for carriage with own means of transport in fca, delivery at place (dap), delivery at place unloaded (dpu), and delivered duty paid (ddp). incoterms®2020包括fca货交承运人,dap目的地交货,dpu卸货地交货,ddp完税后交货术语下可用自有运输工具安排拖车。
4 there is a change in the three-letter name for delivered at terminal (dat) to dpu. dat终点地交货术语成为历史改为dpu卸货地交货。
5 incoterms® 2020 includes security-related requirements within carriage obligations and costs. incoterms®2020包括运输义务和成本中与安全相关的要求。